Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Attempt

I have come to the conclusion I will start a blog.  It seems like everyone is doing it, so why not, right?  I will be the first to admit I am horrible at spelling, grammar and anything else that goes with the English language, but that hasn't stopped others.  This blog will be about my thoughts on what is going on in our society, and what I am constantly learning from others.  It may not be original or inspirational, but then again I am not asking you to read it. :)  I am writing for me, for anyone else who would like to look and see.  I will go ahead and say "the names are changed to protect the innocent".  You may recognize yourself in my writing, but that can stay between you and I. 

I volunteer with youth for fun...that sounds creepy.  I feel compelled to give back to our juvenile male population which I see as the future of our great yet troubled country.  In doing this I find enjoyment and pleasure, better than "I volunteer with youth for fun"?  The enjoyment and pleasure is something that cannot be purchased at a store or bought with money.  Honestly I can't explain it and wouldn't want to.  Words don't cover the emotions you feel.  These emotions span the spectrum from great to sad.  Yesterday was a sad day.  A kid I worked with, cleaned plates with and discussed his future and life took a wrong turn.  He violated his terms of incarceration.  Last night I laid awake thinking about why he took this turn.  This was not a "bad" kid as some people like to label others.  This was a good guy who had made a bad decision, but was slowly working his way back from it.  He had a plan, he had goals, and I like to think he had a future.  After this weekend though, his life was changed.  As we venture down this BLOG together, we'll see where things end up.  I have a plan, I have a goal, and would like to think I have a future, but who knows where or what that is.  As I am learning from the young men I work with, and the people around me life is full of unintended consequences.  Some good...some bad, all the result of an action.  My action today is starting this blog, the action of the young man above was not returning from his home visit.  What will be the unintended consequences only time will tell, but I'll write about it, and if you're still around maybe you'll see.


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